Thursday, July 2, 2009

Walkabout With Us

A few steps on is the Wagon Wheel motel, the entire property fronting the Silver Thread Highway is lined with their logo wagon wheels that form a part of the fence.

The Wagon Wheel uses a relatively old building as its office, and perhaps living quarters as well, with the rental units located behind, between the main building and the mountain you see in the background.

Just next door is a garden/gift shop, always full of lovely plants and especially hanging baskets which are very popular here. Plants are quite pricey, having been trucked into this isolated mountain valley with no other delivery destinations for 50+ miles.
Everywhere we see blooming flowers--window boxes, large & small flower beds, baskets, barrels, street corners and...

corners of homes where the flower of choice for this climate & time of year is orange poppies.
When we look out the back window of our trailer, across Henson Creek, we are greeted in the morning with the first sun hitting a brilliant bed of these waving & bobbing flowers. A lovely sight.

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