Sunday, July 12, 2009

Engineer Pass June 28

We took off, with lunch and rainsuits, for our first look at Engineer Pass. By now, the ATV is feeling familiar again, loading and unloading, etc., is more routine and no longer a retraining process.

On this leg of the Alpine Loop, waterfalls abound. The geography is different than on the Cinnamon Pass side, there's less foliage, more sheer rock, and perhaps more a feeling of the sheer massiveness of the landscape.
Wild iris bloomed in patches about half way up to the top of the pass; flowers are never seen in abundance on this stretch of the Alpine Loop, though what we do see are lots and lots of dandelions, a riot of bright yellow.

The scene from the top always looks surreal to us, even a bit eerie. And from this vantagepoint you certainly feel small.

It was quite cold at this 12000'+ elevation, and we didn't linger long in the chill wind. We were both glad for every bit of clothing we were wearing.

We stopped for lunch on the way back down, and this streamside scene presented an opportunity to show what kind of flowers are thriving at this sheltered spot.

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