Sunday, July 12, 2009

Trip Back to L.C., Impressions, Sights, Experiences

  • The Blue Moose, near the Marriott facility, was our breakfast spot, and for the second time we each built our own breakfast. Carole's included grilled tomato slices, a real pleasure, ala an English bfst.
  • We forgot to empty the frig, left 2 full tubs of margarine for someone, and half a portion of the greatest calamari ever (Taddeo's Italian Restaurant). We had hopes of enjoying it as a leftover, but it just never seemed the right time.
  • E. discovered he'd left his favorite cap where we ate dinner the last evening. Oh, well. C. went through all the drawers and found some of her clothing hadn't been packed, as well. We need to check up on one another all the time, and 2 heads really are better than one. Glad we found the clothing before it was too late, would have been sick to lose that pair of fishing pants that were newly purchased in Breck.
  • Scenery again was a pleasure to see, all looks different in the early morning light.
  • Loved seeing vividly marked, healthy looking antelope grazing on the high plains south of Fairplay.
  • As we promised ourselves, stopped at the Tomichi Creek Trading Post, had fresh peach pie, replaced E's lost cap with a new and bright Tomichi Creek version, and C. added a t-shirt to her collection. The rule is: if you buy a new t-shirt you have to get rid of one. Ditto with caps. Done.
  • Want to explore, next summer, more of the ATV trails in the Buena Vista to Fairplay and Alma territory. Some great possibilities.
  • It was good to see our campmates back in L.C., the park has a No Vacancy sign out, and it appears that the entire town is full up or nearly so.

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