Though we've seen cows and calves (in Alaska & Canada), alas, we'd never seen a wild bull moose, and this time, armed with 2 cameras, we were rewarded by a cooperative young bull.
He browsed in a pond adjacent to the Deer Lakes turnoff, and with 2 cameras clicking away (Carole's set on continuous shots) he seemed unperturbed by our presence about 35 yards away.
We both stood on the main road photographing him for several minutes. This road does see a fair amount of traffic, but not at that hour of the day (we did arrive at 6:30 am). A number of good stream fishing spots, ATV trails, and just plain gorgeous scenery lie further down this gravel road. Fortunately, nothing spooked our subject.
We know there's a big bull hanging out in that area, have seen pictures of him standing in the middle of one of the Deer Lakes, and though that's the fellow we'd like to capture with camera, this one was a thrill.
Finally, he got bored with our attention, turned his rump to us and wandered off into the surrounding brush.
We ventured all the way into Deer Lakes area (a popular rustic campground with a series of 3 lakes, all fed by a natural stream and spilling into one another). More in another segment about that part of the morning.....; we were very happy, after all these years of hunting for the elusive moose, to find such an agreeably cooperative specimen!
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