Friday, July 10, 2009

Independence Day Parade, Lake City

It was mainly all about the youngsters, but then we ALL become kids on July 4!

This little fellow presented a classic photo subject, irresistible.

Ponies were dressed up for the occasion, some with ribbons, some with paint, all well chaperoned.
This back country outfitter was his own advertisement.

Check out the posture, both horse and rider.

Frontiersmen aren't extinct!
And Will Quinn finally made an appearance, driving the Sportsman's Fly Shop float truck. Hope to see more of him and find out what he's up to now.

Novelty bike rider, stayed up there with no problem, even at a very slow pace.

Gerald and Gracie the Schnauzer; along with Jeannie, the lady of the house, summer residents of the Henson Creek RV Park.

More of our "kids will be kids" RV Park people.

Had a good conversation with these two, they're familiar with the territory in So. Missouri and No. Arkansas where Carole did so much canoeing years ago. The hats say "White River Studs", the name of a group of guys out of Dallas who do fishing tournaments on the White River in Arkansas. Fun folks!

This tenacious young lady doesn't let a little thing like a leg splint slow her down, she's all in for July 4.

My favorite of the youngsters, knows how to work the audience already!

Modes of transportation from all through the spectrum were used by the youngsters.

But they all kept up with the pace.

And all captured the spirit of the day.

Even the oldest of us kids were decked out. In Lake City, a July 4 outfit, the more outrageous the better, is a "MUST HAVE". Those who don't dress are considered the oddballs.

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