Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Photos by Friends

Several people here in the RV park are very good at capturing photo images in a timely fashion, especially where wildlife is concerned. We're glad that folks share their pictures, and the stories behind them, because we all have somewhat different daily agendas and experience different things. Friend Carla Ballantine was in the area, and at the right place for a great photo, when the highest mountains wore a snow blanket.
"SNOW WALL" is the title this picture carries...doubtless this is on the route to the top of Engineer Pass, right, Carla? The first time this summer we did this ride there was a remnant of the snow wall on your left, but the other was melted by then.
Carla is also a flower lover, told me, "I have never seen an ugly flower." I like the composition of this picture a lot.
Carla reported that she and Marvin arose at "0-dark-thirty" one morning to look for moose. Can you see by all the legs that this is a pair of twins following mom?
That same morning, at a different location, Carla and Marvin were rewarded with a sighting of a mature bull moose, this at Lake San Cristobal. The twins & mom were sighted near Deer Lakes.
Don & Susie Burnes were near Rio Grande Reservoir when they were surprised to see a rather large group of bighorn sheep. Don says they seemed to be attracted by a mineral deposit on the hillside.
These rocks apparently contain something that the sheep want, or need; they appeared to be licking on the rock formations.
This is a pretty good sized ram with a magnificent headdress. We drove to this same area, ostensibly to do some leaf peeping, but also hoped to see the bighorns. Nada!!
Thanks for sharing, Carla & Don!

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