Friday, September 4, 2009

Ed H. Sees Engineer Pass

Toward the end of Ed & Carol Hovasse's time in their cabin in L.C., fishing took a back seat one day and with Ed H on the backseat of the ATV, the two Ed(s) rode to the top of Engineer Pass. It should be mentioned that frequently when the guys did their fly fishing thing or such, the 2 Carol(s) did lunch and/or icecream. Sweet Peas quickly became our favorite lunch spot...delicious soups/sandwiches...and with the icecream shoppe just 3 doors away!
I captured these photos off Ed H's camera...
Ed was justifiably impressed by this mountain home which sits on the edge of a canyon alongside the trail up to Engineer Pass. All parking is on the other side of the canyon; the house is approached across the footbridge that spans the canyon. You come across this scene while rounding a bend in the trail, and it's always a surprise to see such a well-kept, well-built home out here in the middle of nowhere. But as one wise man once said to us, "This really IS somewhere, you know."
At the top of Engineer, you do feel as if you're SOMEWHERE. Few places evoke in me the feeling I have at this place...rather indescribable, part of it is the elevation, I'm sure, but it's also a feeling of insignificance.
I never see this scene without thinking about the eons of time these mountains have stood here and the eons of time it took to form brings home how short OUR time on earth is!

Here they are, the 2 Ed(s) at the top of the pass....too bad they didn't get the ATV in the photo, but trust me, they didn't hike up there, they did ride.

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