Monday, June 23, 2008

Getting more settled

Yesterday was a day of accomplishment, more organization of the camp site, and then blustery weather in the afternoon. We went to the local gym and worked out a little, read the Denver newspaper at the Mocha Moose over coffee, watched "Alexander", the movie, on TV, and crashed.

Today was another good day, the small portable freezer we ordered (fits into the "belly of the whale") arrived, so we plan a shopping trip to Gunnison tomorrow to stock up on meat and other things we have on our list, including power bait for fishing, of course.

We developed a plan for our "sewerscape", a term we borrowed from an imaginative neighbor camper, a term that describes whatever you can figure out to camouflage your neighbor's sewer connection. Next to us this year we have an extraordinarily ugly sewer connection, complete with 1x2's holding down the hose and more unmentionables, so we're into sewerscaping.

We've devised a plan that involves a lot of blooming plants (which we both enjoy a lot), so we visited a local nursery shop today. Tomorrow we'll come home with additional pots and soil, and soon we'll have a better view.

In addition, we both worked out at the gym again. C's more motivated to get into better condition, E's continuing his dedication to keeping fit.

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