Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Backing Up

This is an effort to put down some of the more noteworthy activities and events of 2008.

Carole's Thai Chicken Peanut Soup won the Village "Souper Bowl" contest. This was her second win in 6 years, the other was for TexMex Halftime Soup, a much easier and less messy one to prepare. C learned that peanut oil spatters!

Our annual visits to our doctor brought no surprises, the only concern being C's blood sugar continually creeping up every year. A recheck in May was an improvement, down significantly as a result of more stringent carbo control.

E's gotten acquainted with a neighbor who has introduced E to the sport of live pigeon shooting. C remembers vaguely when her Dad was involved in this, it must have been even before WWII, don't think it was after the war but the memory is just a dim recollection of hearing him talk about it. Anyway, it's propelled E into doing some trap shooting to get back into the game a little. Perhaps more of this will follow--in the meantime, E & Brad and Rambo (longhair Dachsund) did some dove hunting as well. Rambo, believe it or not, is a retriever! And a darling little dog who's everyone's pet.

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